Our Research
The success of Apitronic Services lies not only in the high quality therapy materials, but in our commitment to our own research and development as well as our generous support to others in medical research.

Venom Collection
In the early 1990s our primary goal was to collect a higher quality of bee venom than what was available on the market at that time. It required the development of a new, third generation venom collector device. The last ten years (1992-2001) have proven these devices to be reliable in field conditions and the goal of higher quality venom was realized. During each venom collection about forty factors are monitored either by instrumentation or personal observation.

Apitronic Services takes pride in announcing the introduction of the first microprocessor (computer) controlled 4th Generation bee venom collector device. Developed over 14 years solely for our own use and is expected to improve the quality of our products. Since 2002, all bee venom for the VeneX® product line is collected with this new, state of the art device.

New Products
In 1990 there was only a limited number of products containing bee venom on the North American market. Apitronic Services has sought the introduction of a variety of new products, some domestic, others foreign. In introducing these products we have at times relied on the academic community for guidance, direction and technical expertise. We look forward in the future to expanding our partnerships to assist others in developing similar products.

Therapy Materials
We often hear from our clients that bee venom therapy is not "high-tech" enough. It is especially true in bee sting therapy. Traditionally, in the last thirty-five years, live bees were administered from a glass jar with a pair of tweezers. Unfortunately, this method curtailed the advancement of the wide spread use of the therapy. As the application of bees for multiple sclerosis became more popular, the risk of unintentional bee stings increased. Feedback from clients reported on the difficulties handling live bees and the subsequent discontinuance of treatment. Professionals had a particularly difficult time when live bees escaped into their office environment. Our task was to develop a variety of therapy aids to solve these problems.

We can offer you our service to develop your specially designed therapy aid for bee venom therapy. We invite you to contact us if you have an idea or you need a specially designed product in your practice.

Research We Support
Our fourteen years in North America has seen us actively involved in several research projects and studies related to bee venom therapy. These studies are financed by grants or by private clinics. Apitronic Services is honored to inform you that presently our bee venom is being used in grant supported studies for multiple sclerosis, arthritis and for shingles in the United States. We also contributed to the development of the first bee venom cream produced in North America.
Private clinics also contact us when they are faced with a disease on which all known remedies have failed. In these cases we can offer our Apitherapy Research Service and have donated products where certain specific conditions have been met. We also support number of student science projects.

Since our inception fourteen years ago we have invested over $500,000.00CAD in Apitronic Services to support our belief that bee venom therapy is vital, valuable and beneficial. Countless hours have been donated to aid those who have sought the information, knowledge and support that is so difficult to find.

Research conducted by Apitronic Services and products donated for research are financed by Mihály Simics and Apitronic Services. We did not receive donations or grants from any government or private source; the assets of Apitronic Services are the sole property of Mihály Simics and Apitronic Services.

VeneX® - Registered trade mark of Apitronic Services.

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Apitronic Services, 9611 No. 4 Road, Richmond, B.C., Canada, V7A 2Z1, Ph./Fax (604) 271-9414
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